Install Fonts via Script – Windows 7

Have a new font and need to push it to everybody’s computer? Here is a simple two-piece script. One is the VB Script that installs the file, the second is a line of code that goes into your existing logon script. Be sure to place the .ttf and .vbs files in a location where everybody has read access.

Place this into the logon script. It checks to see if the font is already installed, and if not, it installs it for you.

if not exist “%systemroot%\Fonts\fontname.ttf” “\\server\folder\fontvbscript.vbs”

Create a .vbs file with the following code (and modify where necessary):

Set objShell = CreateObject(“Shell.Application”)
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(“\\server\folder”)
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(“fontname.ttf”)

This script works on Windows 7 computers even if UAC is enabled.

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